Photography & Video Policy

V1.0 May 2024


Photographs and videos are an important part of telling the Sanctuary Runner story. Imagery helps us show people what it is like to be a Sanctuary Runner and encourages others to get involved. As an organisation we share appropriate images on our website, social media and other publications to highlight the value and fun of running and walking together.

Many members enjoy having pictures taken with their Sanctuary Runner friends. However, all Sanctuary Runners should be mindful that some people do not like to have their image taken or shared, that extra care should be taken in capturing images of children or vulnerable adults and that photographs or videos can be used for negative purposes (bullying, grooming, locating, and trolling). 

Who is this policy for?

At Sanctuary Runner meet-ups and events, staff, members and organisers all take photos and videos to capture the occasion and often share images and videos on WhatsApp groups and social media.

With that in mind, this policy is directed at all Sanctuary Runners’ staff, members and organisers. 

A link to this policy is provided on signing up as a member and members must agree to abide by it. A link to this policy is also provided in communication channels for members (e.g. WhatsApp groups) and casual participants and must be abided by. 

Agreeing to abide by this policy does not mean you have to agree to have your photo taken, it does mean you have to let your group lead or fellow members know if you do not wish to be included in a group photograph that might be shared with other members or online. You have a right to object to an image being shared or ‘processed’ after it has been taken.



  • Child – For the purpose of this document, this is any person under the age of 18 years old.
  • Group Lead or Group Organiser  – A volunteer who is coordinating or helping to organise local group runs and events. 
  • Member – Any adult participating in a Sanctuary Run event or participating in any event or gathering either as part of a Sanctuary Runners group or individually representing Sanctuary Runners (for example, by wearing a Sanctuary Runners t-shirt). Any adult who has signed up to Sanctuary Runners membership.
  • Vulnerable adult For the purpose of this document a vulnerable adult is any person over the age of 18 years who has a restricted capacity to guard himself or herself against harm by another person. 


Having your photograph taken or being filmed:


  • Photography and the recording of images in a public place do not generally require explicit or prior consent. However, by agreeing to abide by this policy, you give your consent to having your image captured in photographs and videos taken at Sanctuary Runner runs, walks and events, unless you ask not to be photographed or videoed or you remove yourself from shots. 
  • We fully support everyone’s right not to be included in a photograph or video. 
  • If you object to having your photograph taken or image captured on video, you can inform the person taking the photograph or video and please also let your group lead or group organisers know you do not want to be included in photographs or videos in general

Sharing of your image and your right to object:

  • Images captured or shared with Sanctuary Runner staff and volunteer organisers may be published on our social media, website and on Sanctuary Runners’ WhatsApp groups. Occasionally images and video are used in other publicity materials such as flyers, public presentations, annual reports and reports to funders. 
  • By agreeing to abide by this policy, you give your consent to having your image shared, unless you exercise your right to object. You can do this by informing the person who captured your image as well as your group lead or group organiser. You can also email to object to your image being processed or to have it deleted and removed.
  • Even if you allow your image to be taken, you have the right to object to your image being processed. ‘Processed’ can mean being shared on WhatsApp or other messaging apps,  on social media or on websites etc.
  • All Sanctuary Runners members, staff and organisers are required to delete images of you as soon as possible on request and should also remove them from WhatsApp groups, devices or social media posts as soon as possible (unless there appears to be a reason why the image should be retained under data protection or other laws or duties).
  • Other Sanctuary Runner members may share images in WhatsApp groups, messaging apps and on social media and all those members should do so only in compliance with this policy. 


Taking and sharing photographs or videos

General Guidance

  • All members should be mindful that some people do not want to have their image captured in a photograph or video. 
  • All Sanctuary Runners taking group or individual shots that are likely to be shared on social media should where possible do a verbal ‘call out’ or remind people they can move away from the group if they do not want to be included as the picture may be shared on online and on social media and online
  • Only take pictures that show people in a positive and respectful manner and that are in keeping with our values or solidarity, friendship and respect. 
  • Our goal when sharing imagery is to positively reflect the benefits of being part of Sanctuary Runners. 
  • If you share images of Sanctuary Runners in WhatsApp groups, messaging apps and on social media you may do so only in compliance with this policy.
  • All Sanctuary Runners members, staff and organisers should delete any images as soon as possible if requested to do so and should also remove them from WhatsApp groups, devices, websites, documents or social media posts as soon as possible, unless there appears to be a reason why the image should be retained under data protection or other laws or duties.

What not to do/ what to be mindful of:

  • Do not take images of people who have asked you not to.
  • Do not share images of people who have asked you not to share them
  • Do not take pictures of people getting changed before or after a run/ event, or in any state of undress.
  • In some cases it is particularly important to protect an individual’s identity (e.g. a vulnerable adult). All members should be sensitive to situations where taking a photograph or video does not seem to be fair or appropriate. If in doubt, do not take the photograph or video
  • People who are not Sanctuary Runners and who are not running or walking in the group should not be photographed where possible and if photographed then only either incidentally (e.g. they are in the background of photograph directed at Sanctuary Runners) or with their permission


  • Permission of a parent or guardian should be sought before taking pictures of children. Do not take a picture or video of a child if the child or their guardian or parents has either not consented or asked you not to.
  • Do not take photos of children that could identify them e.g. wearing a school uniform or outside their house
  • Additional care should be taken that children are photographed while clothed in a way that could cause them embarrassment, lead to bullying, or result in other inappropriate actions.
  • Do not post children’s full names on social media or online and only include a first name if specific parental or guardian consent has been sought and is given for a very specific reason (e.g. the child has won an award)


Storing and Deleting images and video

  • We ask all Sanctuary Runners to delete images of Sanctuary Runners once shared with the group or on social media, except those images you are included in and would like to keep for your own memories. Group organisers may need to keep certain images for promoting the group e.g. to include in flyers or promote annual events. Otherwise, images should be deleted as soon as reasonably practicable.
  • All recorded images should be stored securely and used only for the purposes set out in this policy.
  • In your phone settings, you can turn off the ‘auto save’ option for photos shared on WhatsApp. This will help keep your phone memory free and avoid having to delete pictures from both phone and WhatsApp storage.


Extra guidance for group leads and organisers

We would advise establishing a norm for your group that complies with this policy and showcases your Sanctuary Runner group in the best way possible. An example might be:

  • Taking a group picture after a run / walk. Reminding people that the picture might be shared on social media or online. 
  • Allowing sharing pictures and videos on your group WhatsApp group after an event
  • Sharing a small number of ‘action’ or ‘social’ images on social media or with other group leads after a walk or run.
  • Taking note if someone takes or shares an excessive number of pictures or videos every week and encouraging them to spend more time enjoying the walk, run or chat
  • Taking note if someone regularly takes photographs of people who are not Sanctuary Runners e.g. other parkrunners, and reminding them we should not do that in compliance with this policy
  • Encouraging any Sanctuary Runners capturing images on behalf of the group to be identifiable as members of Sanctuary Runners (i.e. wearing something branded).

We would encourage you to allow members who are interested in photography and video involved in taking the photographs of your groups to share on the WhatsApp group or take the photos you would like to share on social media. However, care should be taken to share this policy with and explain it to that person or to ask a Sanctuary Runner member of staff to do so. 

Please contact your Development Officer for more information on this policy, regarding compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) or for press or media requests and photographs.


Dóchas Code of Conduct on Images

Sanctuary Runners also work to adhere to the principles of the Dóchas code of conduct on images and messages: 

  1. Choose images and related messages based on values of respect, equality, solidarity and justice.
  2. Truthfully represent any image or depicted situation both in its immediate and wider context so as to improve public understanding of the realities and complexities of development.
  3. Avoid images and messages that potentially stereotype, sensationalise or discriminate against people, situations or places.
  4. Use images, messages and case studies with the full understanding, participation and permission of the subjects (or the subjects’ parents/ guardians.)
  5. Ensure those whose situation is being represented have the opportunity to communicate their stories themselves.
  6. Establish and record whether the subjects wish to be named or identified and always act accordingly. 
  7. Conform to the highest standards in relation to human rights and the protection of vulnerable people.