Who’s in a Sanctuary Runners Group?
Our runners come from over 20 different countries. They include Irish residents, people who have moved to Ireland for work or study, people seeking international protection, and refugees, including Ukrainian refugees.
What is Direct Provision?
You can read more here https://sanctuaryrunners.ie/what-is-direct-provision/
Why Running?
Running brings people together and has a positive impact on our wellbeing. It also allows local communities to do something with, rather than for, each other.
Why wear the blue running tops?
Sanctuary Runners showing up together in a visible way is a powerful image of many nationalities coming together in solidarity.
What kind of running do the groups do?
In some areas there are weekly get-togethers, but in others they can be monthly or focused more on preparing for a specific event. Across Ireland and the UK, Sanctuary Runners groups frequently take part (walking, jogging, or running) in their local 5k parkrun on a Saturday morning, which is free to participate in. You do not have to be a runner to join…. But you do have to smile!
Do I have to pay a membership or race fee?
Membership of the Sanctuary Runners is free, all members get our blue running top free of charge and are not asked to fundraise. Sanctuary Runners entering formal races (e.g. Cork City Marathon, Great Limerick Run, Longford Marathon etc.) pay the regular entry fee.
I can’t run, can I still get involved?
Absolutely! Local groups would be delighted to have your support. We also run at many 5k ‘parkrun’ events on Saturday and many Sanctuary Runners volunteer at parkrun rather than run or walk.
Do Sanctuary Runners ask members to fundraise?
While the Sanctuary Runners is a registered charity (RCN 20206637) we don’t ask our members to fundraise.
Do Sanctuary Runners have a political affiliation?
We are non-political and our focus is on solidarity, friendship and respect.
Do you have a Code of Conduct?
Yes, you can read it here: Members & Participants’ Code of Conduct
In Ukrainian: Кодекс поведінки членів і учасників
In Arabic: يويديفلاو يفارغوتوفلا ريوصتلا ةسايس