Mick Clohisey

We spoke to Olympic athlete and Raheny Shamrock running legend Mick Clohisey about training for a marathon.
1. Many people who run with Sanctuary Runners might take on a marathon for the first time. What advice would you give to first-time marathoners?
  •  I think if taking on your first marathon you should respect the distance and aim as best you can to prepare well in the months ahead. This would mean a very gradual approach to increasing your training load and getting your body used to the longer distances over a spread-out period of time in the training block.
  • It’s important to try find a routine that works individually and aim for as good a level of consistency in your training as you can. In saying this allow for rest and injury/ fatigue periods. Be flexible. It’s all about balance.
  • First time marathons should be about finishing them and having a positive experience so don’t put too much pressure on yourself to run a certain time. Aim for realistic goals. Stay positive and believe in yourself.
2. How should people start to prepare now if they are planning to run a marathon in the next 7 or 8 months?
  •  If you want to give yourself the best chance to achieve your marathon goal in the autumn; now is a good time to start getting some consistent running into your schedule. It doesn’t have to be a massive amount at this stage but just getting your body used to regular easy running is important. The next few months can be used to build a base of fitness. This means so that when you start into more specific marathon training in the few months before the marathon that you are conditioned and fit enough to do so. It will make things easier if your body has this base level of endurance fitness behind it.
  • Remember running is a patient game so all training plans should be gradual in nature and structured to allow the right progressions in fitness over time.