Membership FAQ’s

Why are you introducing membership now? Having membership data is important for us to track our impact and to communicate with you, our members.

Do I need to renew my membership? How can I cancel? Membership is lifetime membership, but of course you may cancel your membership anytime. We may periodically ask you to confirm or remind you that you can cancel your membership to keep our membership database current. 

How can I access or edit my membership information? To access or edit your membership data after you have signed up, search your emails for or:

Click here to access your membership on your laptop Click here to access your membership on your phone

How do you communicate with members? We will email members periodically using the membership software. You may also be separately signed up for our email newsletter. You can unsubscribe from either mailing list. Our local groups communicate on a more regular basis using WhatApp group. So for local group members, we also ask for your phone number (the one you use on whatsapp) to help your group lead identify the members on our official membership list against the information they have on whatsapp. [/twocol_one] 

What are the two membership types? We have two membership types. Group membership is for people who have a local Sanctuary Runners group that they run with (e.g. Termonfeckin Sanctuary Runners).. Supporters is for anyone who runs in our t-shirt, joins us at special events, supports our values and community integration approach and would like to be a member and to stay in touch.

Can I change my Sanctuary Runner group to another location? If you move location you can change your membership to your new group. To access or edit your membership data after you have signed up, search your emails for click the links above to login. Then go to My Profile (top right hand tab) and chose Additional Info. Then change your group from the drop down list. However, you need to ask your local group organisers about signing up to the whatsapp group in your new location to get up to date information on meeting up with that group.

Is membership free? Will you ever charge for membership? Membership is free and we plan to always offer free membership. We value our members’ participation more than anything else. We may in future give people the option to pay for supporter membership if they want to contribute to the running of the organisation or cover the cost of their t-shirt etc.

How do you use my information? We will use your information to contact you about your membership, about Sanctuary Runner updates and about events happening in your local area and beyond. We may also send your information to your local group leads. You can read our full privacy policy here. We will use aggregate, anonymous information about the numbers of our members, gender, age and location breakdowns for research, reporting and funding applications.


If you have any questions please contact us at: